Please Note: This situation has been addressed and resolved by Handi-Craft. To read the latest post, please click here.
I have to begin this post with a huge thank you. Thank you for the amazing feedback on a recent post about the Dr. Brown sippy cups. If you missed that post, you can read it here. For those of you who commented, I couldn’t believe how some of you also experienced the same exact thing! Based on your comments, I couldn’t just stop at that one email. I had to pursue this further because Handi-Craft needs to be made aware of the potential hazard these sippy cups can cause to our babies! Here is the next email I sent to customer service at Handi-Craft:
I feel compelled to write again because when I read your response to my initial email, I don’t think you realize the “bigger” concern I have. I am attaching a photo of the training cups and you will clearly see the one on the right has the rubber coming off and the one to the left has the chewed rubber on the spout beginning to come off.
I know you mentioned, “The spout on our new cup does not have the hard inner core which makes it more difficult for babies to bite through.” However, the issue is not the spout itself. The issue is the rubber that surrounds the spout. This rubber that covers the spout is what my daughter was able to chew through and potentially bite off.
I won’t be satisfied until I know that this request has been escalated. I honestly believe the rubber around the spout is not safe for babies. The training cup should be manufactured without the rubber.
You ended the email with, “Handi-Craft will remain vigilant in monitoring and responding to all consumer contacts to ensure that it maintains its commitment to produce an innovative and safe product that deserves the trust of parents with infants.” So, thank you for listening to this concern and I do hope Handi-Craft lives up to this promise.
Heather @Theta Mom
But, it didn’t stop there. After thinking about your comments even more, I decided to pick up the phone. I thought I might get a faster response addressing this issue with a “live” person. So, that’s exactly what happened. I called the 1-800 number and after explaining my story and sharing my concerns, I asked to speak with a Supervisor.
After two separate conversations in the same day, Millie, a Supervisor at Handi-Craft sent me confirmation that my complaint is being escalated. In the meantime, she is sending out replacement cups to me, which apparently have a softer spout…
But before we hung up, she uttered the words, “I have heard this complaint before.” She said based on those complaints the company has since produced this “new softer spout” sippy cup. I can’t wait to report to you about these new training cups, because I have a strange feeling the issue is still not resolved on these training cups either. This is not the end yet. I will certainly keep you updated…which brings me to one more thought…
I wanted to express another sincere thank you to my dear followers and readers that comment on my blog. Without you, this blog would be nothing. I began my blog, as many of you know, with a mission to build a community among Theta Moms everywhere, because each one of us is a true, authentic mom. If you read my blog, you know that this is what I stand for.
So, for my followers, I will shout it to the blogosphere that I HAVE THE BEST FOLLOWERS!
To all of my readers who comment, thank you! You know I give the comment love right back. How could I possibly build a community if I didn’t read your awesome blogs as well?
To my new followers, welcome to Theta Mom! I am so glad you’re here!
And to those of you who read but don’t comment or follow, I can’t share in your blog because I don’t know you are here. Building a community is real simple to me: You follow, I follow. You comment, I comment. It’s really that simple.
For the first time, I feel as though my little blog did a little good. My voice was heard about an issue that could affect any Theta Mom with small children…and it made me realize that we each have a place here in the blogosphere, and I think I have found mine.
Hey just wanted to let you know that I gave you an award. Have a great day.
wow! You rock for following this through. I hope they really fix it for good.
Glad to hear it my dear! It is so true on the comment, you comment, I comment…so easy!
I'm proud that you took it further than the first email. Good for you.
Great job!! enJOY your day!!
That's really cool that you were able to make a difference like that. And possibly save other babies!
I can't believe they admitted they heard the complaint before and yet there is no recall. Sometimes I think companies wait until someone is actually injured or has died from a defect before they do anything about it. Hopefully, your complaints will be heard without the worst happening. Kudos to you for calling and emailing.
Congrats on sticking to your guns and pursuing the issue further on behalf of all moms and babies out there! :o)
Good for you – way to make a difference. The only way most companies will even consider making a change is if they're held accountable for doing the right thing.
Heather way to to go!! If anyone can get them to listen you can. Hey you never know, you could be saving a little kid from a horrible experience. Glad to be following you!
You go Girlie! We should all be thanking you profusely for going to such lengths to make sure these cups are safer. I can't believe they have heard it before! Where was the recall?
Wow, you do have fantastic followers:)
good luck with Dr. Browns cant wait to see the final result:)
BTW, I gave you a blog award, check my blog for details:)
Wow they have heard this before and done nothing? Good for yu for following up!
Hey girl, btw: I have some awards and I'm sharing with you.
You have an award waiting on you on my blog!